Bringing peace into your day also gives you time to appreciate what you have and to pray for those who are less fortunate than you. So no matter how busy your calendar, if you can just find at least fifteen minutes in your day to be at peace with yourself, you will find
So many peoples lives are full of commotion and noise, leaving little time for peace and quiet until they go to bed at night. Yet finding time for peace in your day can bring you into a place where you are able to connect with who you are. Where you can connect to the world around you and become more aware of the things of beauty within it. Where you can find harmony in your day.
Bringing peace into your day also gives you time to appreciate what you have and to pray for those who are less fortunate than you. So no matter how busy your calendar, if you can just find at least fifteen minutes in your day to be at peace with yourself, you will find No matter where you are or who you are there is an angel waiting for you. For there are many angels coming down to help people through these troubled times.. They are waiting in the wings to be asked to help with things.
For they have been set the task to help people to drop their mask. To help people to start to be true to who they are. So when you are finding things hard or even if you are not, you can call on your angels to help you with anything you feel would bring you happiness that is true to you. These are changing times. Times when people are starting to question the world they are in and the things that are going on. During this time of awakening, it is good to know that that there others helping you through. So go on and ask your angels to help y Life presents many challenges, but if you can smile your way through, knowing there is light at the end, you will always feel in a place of peace. To smile is a gift for it not only lifts your soul but lifts the energy in the room, allowing all those around to feel wonderful and bright.
So if you can bring yourself to smile, know that it is priceless. There are many things in this world that are free to give and that mean a lot and smiling is one of those things. So remember, no matter what you do or where you go, bring your smile along with you and feel yourself bloom, for you are truly amazing. When things are testing your strength to stay in the light, it can leave you wondering what life is all about. It can either defeat you or you defeat it.
Learning to keep yourself above the stresses and strains of life and keep on keeping on, believing in who you are and trusting in the light you are in has its moments of struggle and strife. However, the light is such a beautiful place to be and the peace of mind that it gives you makes it the only place to head for and be in. So no matter what challenges are thrown your way, keep on keeping on with being who you are. You will rise one day to a place that is wonderful and happy, it is just the lessons that you have to go through getting in the way so that you can truly appreciate the place that you get to in the end. Flowers or presents - which is that you can say honestly gives you the most joy.
Presents are wonderful and if they are something you have dreamed of having, fill us with a moment of joy. However, flowers are something that can be enjoyed for free. Flowers are truly amazing - they come in many colours, they have many designs and their odour is often heart warming. They lift a place, wherever they are and will always bring you a sense of joy, simply because they are a something that most recognise as beautiful. So if you want to lift your day and brighten it in some way, take a walk and discover the flowers around you or treat your home to some and put them on full view. They will help take away any blues that you feel and bring you back to what is real. I went last night to see Joseph and wow it was amazing. I have seen it before on stage, but was not awake to the messages that it portrayed. It is amazing how differently you can look at something when you are more aware of the world you are in.
The message within is one of belief and truth. Once you find your true purpose and become who you truly are, you will rise and become a shining star. One lucky break is all it takes, so long as you are wide awake. So wherever you are in the realm of things, believe in who you are and trust that just by being true to you, the limitations on you are none. For you are free and truly ama When you are feeling stuck or just wanting to move further forward, where do you look for enlightenment? Do you stick your head in a book or flick through the tv channels to see what information you can absorb or take a walk in nature to observe the beauty of the world? Or do you consider looking inside yourself? For it is yourself that carries the greatest enlightenment of all. You have within you a map to the universe.
Your mind and soul is the best indicator of who you are and by connecting to your higher self and your guides and angels around you, you can find the answers you are looking for. So no more looking for enlightenment - just acknowledge how amazing you are and For many change is attractive but the fear of what if holds them back from implementing any change at all. So what if you could make the changes more easily?
Have you ever thought about making one change a day? Each day when you wake up, decide what part of your day you could change that would bring you to a place that was more true to you. As you go through the month your life will start to take on a different path and your life will start to change for the better with little effort at all. So rather than fear the what if, make it , thank goodness I did. Make laughter your way to a better day.
Make laughter your way to having fun. Make laughter your way of stepping out of reality. Make laughter your way of enjoying being you. For like an apple a day keeps the doctor away, bringing laughter into your day will help to brighten your day. It will allow you to just be for a moment in time. So no matter what you are doing or where you are going, if you can bring some laughter into your day, it For many one day merges into the next and there is an acceptance that life will be a certain way. Yet have you ever sat back and really observed the life you are in. Taking time to observe your life as if from behind the lens of a camera can show you many things about the ruts you have gotten into and the things that you are repeatedly creating in your life.
Maybe you are looking for change and want something different to start happening. How can this occur without truly observing what it is that you keep repeating that is bringing you the same lack of results in your life. Once you start observing your life, you will start to notice the corrolation between your thoughts and the things that are happening before you. For our thoughts are far more in control of our lives than many people realise. It is the content of our thoughts and how much energy we project to them that creates the events in our day. So learning to observe your life will help you to understand which thoughts it is that you need to change so that your life can start going down the path that you truly wish it to be rather than where it has |
AuthorSarah Haywood Archives
January 2015