Today I was sent the following link.
I thought it was just amazing and made something which is such a difficult subject for many easy to understand. By letting go of your anger towards others will lessen your chances of illness in the future. By learning to forgive you are passing love to another. The more love you can pass to others the more love you will begin to feel yourself.
In the clip the message is to pass on your love with words Zoot Zoot and imaginative brings only an expression of joy into the heart and mind.
So have fun spreading love and being love itself and see how your life transforms as you do. Zoot Zoot Zoot xx
I thought it was just amazing and made something which is such a difficult subject for many easy to understand. By letting go of your anger towards others will lessen your chances of illness in the future. By learning to forgive you are passing love to another. The more love you can pass to others the more love you will begin to feel yourself.
In the clip the message is to pass on your love with words Zoot Zoot and imaginative brings only an expression of joy into the heart and mind.
So have fun spreading love and being love itself and see how your life transforms as you do. Zoot Zoot Zoot xx