Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen a story form before your eyes?
Today I did. I was watching as the clouds first created a baby. The baby turned and looked at me and then lay back and became an old man, beard and all. The whole thing then changed into a train.
So what does that say. Well to me it say that we are all travelling on a journey from the day we are born to the day we die. This journey can be as far reaching as we choose it to be. It can be as exciting and as adventurous as we choose. The dark clouds that prevent us from doing such things are formed only by circumstance and hearsay around us throughout our lives. If we can bring out the sunshine in ourselves, then we can play every day and simply have fun no matter what we do.
So by letting yourself learn to just be and live in the moment, you can set yourself free to be exactly who you want to be and go where you want to go. After all in Conversations with God, he says all he wants is for us to connect to ourselves and enjoy being who we are. So what are you waiting for. Go