Many times you may worry about a family member or about a friend and find yourself feeling sad inside.
Many times you may think you have the answers to someone else's problems, but they are not listening.
Many times you may worry about the world and the awful things you see in the news.
Many times you may think you have the answers to someone else's problems, but they are not listening.
Yet each of us is here on our own personal journey. We are all part of a greater Universe and it is by becoming happy and learning to love who we are that allows the Universe to respond back in the same way.
The more you can connect to your inner guru the more you will find the world around you changing. For the more you connect the more peace and love you will find in yourself and consequently pass on to the world around you.
Each person is a creator in their own right and every thought you are having is creating something within your life. If you are not stilling the mind and living in the moment, then you have no focus over what you are creating and therefore are likely to create things that follow old patterns in your life.
The more energy you spend on worrying about others, the more you are encouraging the fear and disease in them. Showing them how to love who they are by being love yourself is the best gift you can give to another and to the universe in which you live.
So allow yourself the time to stand still for a while and to feel at ease both inside and out. Allow your creations to come from a place of love.