Yesterday I was aware that past lives could have an effect on your current life, but I was not aware to what extent.
After visiting Caroline Cousins for some Theter Healing, I became aware that I spells/curses had been placed on me in previous lifetimes that were affecting my very being and way I was living my life today.
So not only do we have to consider the things in this lifetime that block us, but also that there are things we have no recollection of that will be stopping us from reaching our true potential.
EFT, meditation, Past Life Regression and Theter Healing are just some of the tools you can use to find out what these are and clear them.
So if there is something that you are feeling has been pulling you back but you have just not understood what, then try out some of these techniques and see where it takes you. Today I feel amazing - like a huge weight has been lifted from my being.