There are people that come and go into your life. Some you are glad never to see again, but others you find a connection that is pure and real and they leave you with a feeling of love and friendship. Krishna was one of those people. She brought with her an air of beauty and love and a desire to be special part of peoples lives that she met. Although I only met her a few times, she made an impression on me that will shine in my life always.
Sending much love to her family and friends and to Krishna herself. May she rest in peace and find happiness and joy in the new place that she has found.
May it be remembered never to take people for granted. Always to take time to spend time with those who shine in your life and to always let them know how much they are loved. To spread love brings joy to all, so be joy itself and spread love wherever
Sending much love to her family and friends and to Krishna herself. May she rest in peace and find happiness and joy in the new place that she has found.
May it be remembered never to take people for granted. Always to take time to spend time with those who shine in your life and to always let them know how much they are loved. To spread love brings joy to all, so be joy itself and spread love wherever