For many of us our old stories bring us comfort. They provide something familiar in our lives even if the effects of those stories limit our current thinking.
Yet if we were to truly let go of these stories and begin to create new ones, our lives would transform.
For many rejection and fear provide a blanket to help us from having to undergo new experiences and change. They give us the perfect alibi. Yet there is no such thing as rejection and fear in reality - they are only perceptions of the mind based on previous experiences.
A child when they begin to take their first steps has no concept of either rejection or fear in most circumstances. It is only when their parents or others tell them to be careful or instruct them where not to go that they begin to hear reasons for fear. If they were to be left to discover things for themselves their own instincts would guide them.
Often these instincts are drowned out by the thoughts and feelings of others. This then teaches a person to listen to others rather than listening to themselves. By not listening to oneself, we miss out on a journey of discovery that leads us more quickly to the things that bring us happiness. So by letting go of these fears yourself you can then help others to develop there own sense of self more quickly.
By feeling fear and rejection we dis empower ourselves and leave ourselves limited in the things we do. If we were able to see things from a different perspective, such as compassion, we would learn to see that often the actions of another or the fears that we are having are not reality but something we are making up in our minds. The ego part of the mind will invent ways to bring us back to our comfort zone rather than allowing us to create something new. If we can learn to observe when this is happening, we can begin to find ways and thoughts to change it so that we can create new and exciting changes in our lives.
Think of your relationships, your job or your money situation. What aspect of these have become stagnant? What element of fear or rejection is preventing you from creating something new? You know the answers. No one else has the key to unlock you, only you.
Do something amazing today and learn to see through your fears and rejection and begin to create the life you really want rather than the one you have become accustomed to.
You are amazing - believe in you.
Yet if we were to truly let go of these stories and begin to create new ones, our lives would transform.
For many rejection and fear provide a blanket to help us from having to undergo new experiences and change. They give us the perfect alibi. Yet there is no such thing as rejection and fear in reality - they are only perceptions of the mind based on previous experiences.
A child when they begin to take their first steps has no concept of either rejection or fear in most circumstances. It is only when their parents or others tell them to be careful or instruct them where not to go that they begin to hear reasons for fear. If they were to be left to discover things for themselves their own instincts would guide them.
Often these instincts are drowned out by the thoughts and feelings of others. This then teaches a person to listen to others rather than listening to themselves. By not listening to oneself, we miss out on a journey of discovery that leads us more quickly to the things that bring us happiness. So by letting go of these fears yourself you can then help others to develop there own sense of self more quickly.
By feeling fear and rejection we dis empower ourselves and leave ourselves limited in the things we do. If we were able to see things from a different perspective, such as compassion, we would learn to see that often the actions of another or the fears that we are having are not reality but something we are making up in our minds. The ego part of the mind will invent ways to bring us back to our comfort zone rather than allowing us to create something new. If we can learn to observe when this is happening, we can begin to find ways and thoughts to change it so that we can create new and exciting changes in our lives.
Think of your relationships, your job or your money situation. What aspect of these have become stagnant? What element of fear or rejection is preventing you from creating something new? You know the answers. No one else has the key to unlock you, only you.
Do something amazing today and learn to see through your fears and rejection and begin to create the life you really want rather than the one you have become accustomed to.
You are amazing - believe in you.