Mirror Mirror on the wall,....why is it that some stand low and some stand tall.....
What do you see when you look at yourself....do you see the amazing person you are or the remnants of an old scar.....
How you see yourself is a reflection of how you appear in the world. What you give out is what you get back. So if you want to feel good and love who you are, you have to be able to see past the scar. See past the reflection looking at you and see the inner person that is the real you.
For everyone is special in every way, through out every second of every day. There is not one person who doesnt deserve to be loved....For there are many reasons why people behave as they do, but most importantly it is best to love you. For when you love the core of who you are, the world around you will see your star...they will see the glow that you have around you, and will want to follow and listen to all you do.
So next time you look in the mirror on your wall, ask it who is the fairest of them all...know that you are the fairest in the world that is yours and you will see all those who are fair following with you.