I know this place called the world to be my home at this current time. I understand that the experiences that I create for myself teach me things that help me to grow. I listen to what others say and learn to understand their perspectives too. This is a wonderful world.
I have learnt to appreciate the things that I see each day. I have learnt to love those who share time with me in any way. I have become a wiser human being because of things I know. It is this world that had made the I in me glow with the joy of having the privilege to experience many things within it. This is indeed a wonderful place to be.
There is no doubt that there is much still to learn. So much that would be good to know but is still out of reach. So for now I am happy with the knowledge I have at this moment in time and understand that I can only be the best that I can be knowing all that I do now.
I know that to live freely means to let go of the past. This has not always been easy but now I am beginning to see the benefits of it. Now is the time to create something new and enjoy the creating as I do. Now is the time to allow myself the freedom to be me and to laugh freely for all to see.
The world consists of many “I”s each of them being you. Each of us connected by the vibration and energy that we have within ourselves and our auras. So when I think of the world and I it means that I am also thinking of you. Learning to love I means that I am also loving you. Having faith and trust in myself also means I have faith and trust in you. Believing in who I am means that I also believe in you.
The world is a wonderful place. It is full of joy and love for all to see. There is nothing that can prevent you from being truly free if you allow your mind to flow with no limitations at all. Be honest with yourself and know that life for you is great. No matter what weight you think you have hanging around your neck - know that you can be free of it any time you choose by seeing it in a different way. Seeing it as a gift - an adventure that is showing you the way to being better at being you.
May all who exist in this world, the universe and all that is, find joy, love and laughter in their day in this very moment and all moments from here on in.
Love to all Sarah xxxx
I have learnt to appreciate the things that I see each day. I have learnt to love those who share time with me in any way. I have become a wiser human being because of things I know. It is this world that had made the I in me glow with the joy of having the privilege to experience many things within it. This is indeed a wonderful place to be.
There is no doubt that there is much still to learn. So much that would be good to know but is still out of reach. So for now I am happy with the knowledge I have at this moment in time and understand that I can only be the best that I can be knowing all that I do now.
I know that to live freely means to let go of the past. This has not always been easy but now I am beginning to see the benefits of it. Now is the time to create something new and enjoy the creating as I do. Now is the time to allow myself the freedom to be me and to laugh freely for all to see.
The world consists of many “I”s each of them being you. Each of us connected by the vibration and energy that we have within ourselves and our auras. So when I think of the world and I it means that I am also thinking of you. Learning to love I means that I am also loving you. Having faith and trust in myself also means I have faith and trust in you. Believing in who I am means that I also believe in you.
The world is a wonderful place. It is full of joy and love for all to see. There is nothing that can prevent you from being truly free if you allow your mind to flow with no limitations at all. Be honest with yourself and know that life for you is great. No matter what weight you think you have hanging around your neck - know that you can be free of it any time you choose by seeing it in a different way. Seeing it as a gift - an adventure that is showing you the way to being better at being you.
May all who exist in this world, the universe and all that is, find joy, love and laughter in their day in this very moment and all moments from here on in.
Love to all Sarah xxxx