No matter what you do there is a channeller in you. For when you were born you came with information inside of you that was there to be tapped into whenever you reached a point in your life when you recognised the importance of you. So if you have yet to tap into this source, try sitting quietly for a while. Listen to the rhythm of you and the way your body responds to the world. Take in some deep breaths and feel the energyies of brightness around you. Take time to just be. Then when you are ready, take a pen and a paper or sit in front of a computer and just see what comes out. It will be amazing what information will speel out of you.
If nothing happens at first, then just know that you are not quite ready and that you need to sit more often just being with the essence and beauty of you. It will happen, for every person is amazing and has the ability to tap into the source or your higher self. It is just a matter of taking the time to believe and trust in who you are.
If nothing happens at first, then just know that you are not quite ready and that you need to sit more often just being with the essence and beauty of you. It will happen, for every person is amazing and has the ability to tap into the source or your higher self. It is just a matter of taking the time to believe and trust in who you are.