Bruce Lipton in his book, Biology of the Mind, reveals that during the first six years of your life, you are like a tape recorder, a sponge. Everything that you see and hear is absorbed and taken on board.
Now taking that with the effects of your mother whilst she was pregnant, means that the blue print to your thoughts and feelings were very much set during this time. So considering this, it is worth revisiting your childhood experiences and looking at what it is that might still be affecting you from reaching your goals now, that happened during that time.
These things do not have to be big. Even such things as having to be quiet because your father worked nights can have a dramatic affect on how you feel about yourself and how you approach being out in the general public.
With regard to adopted or fostered children, even if they have received nothing but love and care during their time with you, the time they were in the womb and short time they were with their parents, will have had a dramatic affect on their thoughts and feelings about themselves.
So when healing yourself and encouraging others around you too, it is important to remember these